Saturday, July 2, 2011

from 7/14/2007 - DC and Agility

DC and Agility

Current mood:satisfied

I went to do agility with Capone this morning, well get a basic introduction with a pro anyway...

I picked her up in DC...I HATE driving in DC and of course I ended up way off from where I needed to be...I managed to find Mike's favorite take out place, YUMS, though...

Some guy comes up next to me and makes a reference to the new magnet Adriane got me...He let me know that he wanted to pull my hair and do many other things to other parts of my body...I kinda laughed and thanked the traffic Gods that the light turned green right after that...

So the nice lady that was helping me ususally charges $60 an hour for training...and I got a free 30 minute lesson...

Capone picked up on the tunnel in a snap...the jump was a bit harder since he's used to jumping up, not up and forward...she showed him the weave poles and gave me a few things to work on that will really help if I decide to take him to trials and stuff. She also said that Capone has a great build for agility and his drive will really help him with it as well...

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