Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I. Hate. Hospitals...
I was recently in the hospital for just over 4 days...and it sucks! Usually I can tell when I'm going to be admitted by my doctor. This time it just hit me out of left field!
On Thursday (BOOGIE'S BIRTHDAY) I started feeling ill, then started throwing up. I felt so bad, that I had to make The Boy drive part of the way home. We got home and my dad tells me he ordered pizza for Boog's birthday - I quietly go upstairs to die in my own bed. I slept for a bit, and considering I wouldn't sleep well the rest of the night, it was a blessing.
The Boy kept Boog downstairs for a while so I could get some rest, and didn't bring him up till it was time for sleep. I woke up probably every hour or so and would either throw up or feel like I was going to throw up. Everything from the past 24 hours made a re-appearance...
Friday morning I felt slightly better, but was still feeling like yuck. The Boy kept Boog occupied for the most part and we took him to his 2 year check up that afternoon. I'd had a pain in my side since I had started getting sick, so I called my doctor to see if they could see me that afternoon, but no dice.
Saturday morning, my doctor told me to go to the mini emergency room for dehydration and to see if I'd done something to my rib(s). I still hadn't been able to keep anything down, other than a small amount of ginger ale. The ER told me I had a nasty kidney infection and they started me on IV antibiotics, then told me that I was dehydrated and my heart rate was WAY off. So they wanted to move me to the cardio unit at Fairfax Hospital (aka my home away from home).
So, 4 days later, I finally came home on Wednesday...Got sent home with 2 of my meds increased, added an oral antibiotic and some pain meds for the pain I still had in my side...Oh! And I had to have an oxygen tank for travel and an oxygen machine in the house, to use 24/7!
We had to cancel Boog's birthday party that was supposed to be on Sunday since I was in the hospital =(
I have follow up appointments this week and next, and hope to have the oxygen out of the house after that...Cross your fingers for me...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Halloween Candy
I tossed it in my bag and took it inside last night, with full intentions of leaving it inside...guess who never took it out of her bag last night and just discovered it again this morning?
Does it make me the evil mommy to eat a piece...or two? And I'm not talking about the totally yummy rice crispy treat either, just your run of the mill Snicker's snack size...the yummy orange rice crispy pumpkin with the tootsie roll stem and chocolate eyes...drool...
Looks a little like this, without the green:
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dear Abby...
While I have not made the decision to cut my mother out of my life at this time, she has a major drinking problem...I had planned on going to her house last night so that she could see Boog in his costume but found out she was not "good" and decided not to go. Someone asked me why I would go over there...It's so that I can tell Boog when he asks questions, that yes, I tried to keep her in his life, and I will know that I'm not lying to my child...
My mother hasn't seen my son since July/August time frame and likely will not see him until some ways it makes me sad that he'll never know the person she could be, but I also like knowing that he won't see this person that she is...
DEAR ABBY: I have no contact with my mother for many reasons. It was difficult to sever the relationship, but after my son was born -- for his safety and well-being -- I felt I had no choice.
My mother has seen my son once, when he was 6 months old. She had just been released from jail and arrived at my home stoned and out of it. I made sure she found a safe way home and haven't spoken to her since.
My son will be 3 soon. Yesterday we were talking about families and he asked, "You don't have a mommy?" I replied, "Yes, I do. Her name is Cindy." Thankfully, he left it at that. But it started me thinking about what I should say when he asks me questions about his grandmother. I had planned on talking to him when he was older because addictions can run in families, and I want him to be aware of it when making choices in his teen and later years. What do you tell a 3-year-old who wonders who his grandma is? -- OUT OF ANSWERS IN WISCONSIN
DEAR OUT OF ANSWERS: You have already started the dialogue. When your son wants to know why Grandma Cindy doesn't visit, that will be the time you tell him she can't be around because she's sick and isn't able to be. As your son grows older, continue to answer his questions honestly and in an age-appropriate way.