Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where did the time go?

I was watching J the other day and couldn't believe it...This crawling, laughing, bouncing, standing, flirting baby is the same lump of do nothingness that I brought home from the hospital almost a year ago...

When we came home, and for months after lol, all he did was eat, cry and potty...and he did a LOT of all 3 and very little of anything else...

And now he's all over the place...He's absolutely fearless...He loves to stand and bounce...and he's almost walking on his own...he crawls all over the place...and boy does he flirt and he loves to see himself in the mirror and in pictures...nothing beats the sound of listening to him laugh...I could listen to that little giggle for hours...Man I love that kid...

I can't wait to teach him how to tie his shoes, ride a bike and then, I'll have to teach him how to drive...that scares the shit out of me...

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