Since it's been so long since I've been on here, I thought I'd give some updates.
Boog and I moved! We're living in Woodbridge with a friend and the rest of the family moved a few hours away.
We also got a dog since the other dogs in the house we're ours, so when we moved, they went with my sisters. We got a female Siberian Husky puppy. She's got one blue eye and one brown eye. When I first saw photos of her, she had a three leaf clover on her forehead. Boog likes her eyes since I have brown eyes and he has blue, it's like she got one from each of us. Her birthday is coming up next week, she'll be 2 years old.
I had my fourth heart surgery about 18 months ago. It was totally unexpected. I had some great friends to help me out while I was in the hospital and during my recovery. I also lost a friend during that time.
Those are all of the major updates that I can think of for now. Leaving you with some pics of the puppy - when she was a puppy lol.