So here I sit in the HRP unit of Fairfax Hospital...That's High Risk Perinatal for those of you who were wondering...I've been here since Monday 10/26/09 and am beyond ready to go home already...This is the third time I've been in the hospital since 10/4/09, the first time was for 5 days, the second time was just over 24 hours...and I will be here this time until at least November 13...
Let's start at the beginning...
I found out I was pregnant on April Fools Day of all days...I didn't believe it and had to take 3 home tests before I would even consider it...The Boy had been telling me for almost a week that he thought I was pregnant, so as soon as I got back from my business trip I wanted to know. I always thought I couldn't get pregnant, so this came as a big shock for me. I confirmed with my GYN and they referred me to a perinatologist group since I'm very high risk. I'm fat ass, have high blood pressure AND a major heart condition. The perinatologist pretty much told me I shouldn't continue with the pregnancy and she didn't think my body could do it. My cardiologist said I should do okay, but wanted to run tests...
Well, here I sit, 35 weeks pregnant and ready to believe the perinatologist's first opinion...We've discovered a few more things about my health since I got pregnant...
1. I have sleep apnea, which was causing me to fall asleep at work and had to take almost a month off to get that diagnosed and start treatment.
2. I have an under active thyroid, so now require the services of an endocrinologist and daily medication.
3. I have also recently been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which I'm hoping stays gestational.
4. I have been diagnosed with preeclampsia, which is what landed me in the joint this last time.
I've hit the lottery when it comes to fucked up health issues. I just hope Junior doesn't end up with half of what I have. We've had him checked by a cardiologist who did a fetal ECHO and said she didn't find anything. Happy Dance!
So...Back to sitting in the hospital...I obviously have my laptop with me, which has helped bunches. I also have a few books and the TV. The hospital also has pretty strict visiting hours because of the flu and H1N1. Immediate family only, and only from 11-1 and 6-8. Boy do they mean it too. The only one exempt from those hours is The Boy.
And here is where I'm having issues...The Boy does not have a license, nor does he have a car...and apparently none of his friends care enough to bring him up here...I'm now in a private room where he would be able to stay all night if we could find someone to take care of the dogs (more on them later), and yet I can't get ahold of him...I can't even get ahold of him to tell him his son will be arriving on November 10.
I guess I'm just feeling forgotten...thanks for letting me ramble...