Saturday, October 29, 2011


It's almost Halloween! We got Boogie's costume kinda late, but it was half off and too damn cute! Still not sure what we're doing for trick or treating, might be colder than we want...If so, Tyson's Corner here we come lol...and Boog's birthday is right around the corner now...I can't believe it's been almost 2 years...time flies...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rant: Child Support

So here's my rant for the day...Mother fucking men who have children and are no longer with the mother of the child...and then wanna say the bitch is asking for money to hurt them/be a bitch/whatever excuse they give...

Fool, it takes money to provide for YOUR takes MONEY to pay for food, diapers, wipes, clothes, daycare, etc...By you not providing for your child, you are hurting your child...unless you have a child with some rich woman...

And telling someone that they have an appetite for money because they ask for child support is some fucking bullshit...I paid for everything for my son with no help from his father for over a year...I filed for child support, and one of his friend's offered him some work and said maybe that money would reduce my "appetite for money" - Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?

Then today I see someone on facebook posting that their baby's mom is asking for money just to hurt him...Honestly, she could be already getting money from him, I don't know the situation, but to see that really just fucking bothered me...